World Otter Day – Warnowtunnel celebrates with Rostock Zoo Otters

Every year on the last Wednesday in May, attention is focused on a fascinating but unfortunately rare species: the otter. 31.05.2023 is World Otter Day.

As long-time animal sponsors of the otters of Rostock Zoo, Warnowquerung gave a surprise to the two otters Ivan and Milas in their beautiful, modernised enclosure. To celebrate, they were served fish ice cream cake by mascot otter Oskar. The event was accompanied by the media. Ms Nicole Lerrahn, Head of Visitor Services and Marketing at the Zoo, and the Tunnel’s Managing Director, Yvonne Osterkamp, emphasised the importance of cooperation and drew attention to the animals’ need for protection.

Due to intensive hunting in the past, the otter had largely disappeared from the picture of the local wildlife. Even today, otters have not yet returned to their native habitat in many parts of Germany; nevertheless, one can draw a positive balance: in eastern Germany, the populations have been able to hold on and are spreading further west from here.

The Warnowtunnel would like to thank the Rostock Zoo for this fantastic event.

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